Hash Term
Meaning (Sometimes)
Are You?
A plea for help. A Hound who is not on the trail and wants to know if anyone else is. The reply should be either CHECKING, LOOKING or ON-ONE, ON-TWO, or ON-ON.
A cunning trap to put the hounds off the trail and slow them down, it also enables back runners to catch up. Trail goes any of 369 degrees from here, so start looking. Three marks and you’re ON-ON… probably.
False (YBF)
Usually found after a check. A false can be of any length, depending on the level of nastiness of the hare. If you find it, go back to the check and look in another direction. You’ve Been F**KED.
Harrow/True Trail Arrow
The primary mark of the hash, an arrow with 3 (usually depending on how many beers the hare(s) had) lines through the tail of the arrow. This always marks the True Trail.
Also known as Front Running Bastards, they are those silly people who r*n on a hash.
Also known as Dead F**king Last, they really understand the spirit of the hash.
The person who lays the trail. They are totally responsible for any cock-ups which occur.
Anyone who follows the Hash. They pay their weekly tithe - If they don’t - they have Hash Cash chasing them.
Down Down
The act of consuming beer in one or less gulps. If you do not get it down the balance goes on your cranium, or down your pants.
A call that is made when the trail has been lost and the pack is searching for it.
Called during the run when you are on the trail. The call assists the rear runners who may not be able to see the front runners but at least can hear them.
The end of trail where all the crates of amber throat charmer are consumed, and where the Religious Advisor comes into his own.
Hash Mismanagement
The complete group of incompetents who are responsible for the order or disorder of the Hash.
GrandMaster (GM)
The senior member of the loud-mouthed bunch of idiots who call themselves Hash mismanagement.
Beer Meister
The person responsible for keeping the Hash supplied with ice cold piss every week.
Religious Advisor (RA)
The person who calls the circle to order and meets out punishments as appeals to his/her sense of humor/cruelty. The RA also provides guidance to the GM.
Hash Cash
The Hash treasurer who is usually BUSY financing their mistress/mister, new car, next holiday etc with misappropriated Hash funds.
Hare Raiser
The hasher in charge of tricking hashers into haring lining up hares for future trails.
Haberdasher (Hash Hab)
The hasher in charge of spending all the kennel’s money on shady t-shirt/sock/patch/etc suppliers.
Hash Flash
The half mind responsible for taking photos on trail and posting them to the hash private social pages. Or maybe a pervert with a camera, who knows.
Trail Types
A to A - trail ends where it started.
A to A' ("A to A-prime") - trail ends within reasonable walking distance of the start.
A to B - trail ends far from the start; additional transportation plans might be necessary. (Pretty rare here in Denver)